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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Family Dis-ease

Initially I thought I was horrible and I was - at that time
Leading that double life took all that was left behind.
People fled.  Pets were dead.  Spouses hated, children waited.
Those that had not a clue.  Those who I hoped never knew.
The secret life had finally managed to eradicate and totally ravage
Those sweet souls who loved without respite, young and old – nary a night
Slipped by without the worry and woe – keeping them at bay hopping they wouldn’t know.

Time and God cleaned up that mess.  Only for me - not the rest.
It seems a folly for me to think, that they are helped without me and a drink.
But hurt and anger always will be, closer to them near to thee
So help them is not what I can do, it’s out of my hands I wish they knew
The love of God, his mercy and grace.  Helping me to live without disgrace.

At times I cry and feel so apart from - All those who know where I came from.
I continue to pray for peace in their lives, perhaps they will see and drop their disguise
It’s not always easy but certainly a better today, I’m a free ‘er man in most every way.
if doubt still mires you and your head full of pride-
Self pity and anger won’t leave your side.
Then listen to my words – It’s never too late.  I wish for you the same in all that I do
It’s you that I pray for and cry all the same.  I adore each of you and love you too.

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