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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Am I right?

That is not a question for you to answer but a point to ponder. 
I had a sponsee slip.  so did her hubby.  HIS sponsor wanted me to come over and sit w/ the 3 of them and help them come up w/ a relapse prevention plan.  Really?  what plan could possibly be better than our steps and the power of a God much greater than I?  I explained that I was taught by the woman that have shared my path, that what's beyond the end of my nose is none of my business.  That I am here to help MY sponsee.  Her hubby is not my concern.  He chatted about what the book says.  That we are to leave our jobs, go out when we don't feel like it, to lend our help where it is needed.  Oh great.  I had no comeback for that one except anger.  But after talking to MY sponsor I got out the bb.  Under the chapter "working with others".  Chocked full of information.  The least of which talked about how we go about helping others. 
Doesn't it also say we do not make this our occupation? 
I talked w/ my sponsee last night.  I explained I'm willing to help her through the steps but the rest of this has got to be thought out. 
Now, on to why he bothers me.  That, my friend, is about not liking to be told what to do.  I know that about myself from working those steps.  I also know that to be open minded I am living as a wide eyed wonder kid and eager to learn.  That  you taught me within those rooms. 
God puts people in our path.  How awesome that, today, I 'get to' share my time with them.

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