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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Believe in HOPE

Believe in HOPE

If you believe in anything, anything at all,
Believe in hope – without it we will all fall.
Fall for anything.  All will be lost,
Without hope – what will be the cost?

I know this, because I’ve been there.
I know…. I was filled with despair.
Some months ago, perhaps it was a day or two,
I clung to something they said to do.

Belief is something that comes with time,
Holding on to a thought or a feeling inside.
That leaves us knowing that all will be right,
There is a power much greater than all of that fright.

It’s in that belief somewhere deep inside,
The fear started shifting, leaving little to hide.
Like a child with their blanket, I held on so tight,
And the miracle began to stand me upright.

I peered around, loosening my grip,
And  all that shame, fear and anger began to slip,
Away to a place I could no longer afford,
To visit.   I was now with my Lord.

Their promise became mine somewhere along the way,
To keep it close to me is what I do pray.
So if hope escapes you, and fear shows it’s face,
Come visit me in my own secret place.
I will assure you of this and you will see,
That hope resounds inside of me.

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