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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, November 29, 2010

And another.............

The calls seem to keep coming.  And we will bury another one.  Is it just me or when someone dies we seem to reflect back to the last conversation with that person.  He confided he was a mess.  Bi-Polar mess.  unsuccesful attempt to take his life a few months ago.  Well either he was successful this time or something interveined.  He was found dead by the neighbor after not answering his phone for a few days. 
So I cry (as will many others) as losing anyone is sad, hard.  Families are left shattered.  His will be no different.  I asked God why?  Who next?  How many more?  I am left afraid and vulnerable.  If the great and powerful force takes people either randomly or not so, then will he take one of my precious grandchildren?  My children?  Have I faith that no matter what I will be ok?  Yes.  But what about all the other people?  We all have the same opportunity but do we take it?
All I am sure of is this;  to take a drink will wipe away any life I may have.  Maybe slowly but it will.  As I prayed this morning I asked the God that I am certain I don't understand, to please be with us - ALL of us. 
And to you MM rest in peace, finally.

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