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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Early Sobriety SUCKS

I am reminded often while working w/ woman newcomers how hard early sobriety is.  I mean it does get easier BUT the beginning is hard.  It was extremely hard for me due to lots of consequences.   He left.  Probably the hardest thing besides getting sober that I had to deal with.  Creditors, family crisis.  It was all there.  So, just sobering up obviously was not enough.  And those early days were horrendous.    But I digress. 
so I get a call from a sponsee last night, frantic!  Help my husband is going to get high and wants me to go with him.  He wants all our $$.  I won't be able to go home.  Uh yup.  I get it.  That's what we do when we aren't getting sober.  Through sobs she determined she needed a place to crash for the night which she found in a caring soul in our group.  i talked to her this morning and she actually had slept well, stayed sober and was feeling stronger than ever about sobriety.  HERS!  Bingo   that's what it takes, right?
So, as she muddles through these trying days of dont' drink, go to meetings, clean house, trust God and work w/ others we shall see how this program unfolds in her life.  It won't be easy.  No home, no car, no family close.   That is what we are get with early sobriety.  But I always say the good news is you get to stay sober.  For without that all your choices go out the window.
Thank God for all that I am and all that I'm not.  And today it teeters more to the all that I am side of the sober scale. 
She will get there, just like the rest of us, one day at a time. 

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