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Friday, May 29, 2015

15 years.....

So today is May 29th, 2015.   Tomorrow my sweet granddaughter will be 15.  Now, that just knocks me backwards.  I can’t help but reflect on how much has happened since her precious self entered the world. 

OH my word how I love my grandkids.  I love Miss ‘S’ beyond words.   She was so adorable when she was little.  Such a showman.  She loved to sing to anyone that would listen.  Her favorite tune, Somewhere over the rainbow.  She would clap and smile so big anyones heart would melt.  15 years.  My gosh.

Of course I can’t think of those years without reflecting on my own life and where it has gone.  I was 41 when she was born.  41 and full of all kinds of nonsense.  Of course I was still with ‘r’.  Looking back I almost laugh at how he was not part of her birth/hospital nor any active part along the way.  I just kept quiet about that but now it is evident…. He just wasn’t a good grandfather.  How sad.

So, when she opens her eyes in the morning I want her to know how truly loved she is.  How her heart is still big enough to love those around her and is the underdog champion! 

Her love of singing has never waned and we still do karaoke and love that too.  She plays in the high school band (flute) and loves picking her guitar.   The one thing that won’t be the same is her pawpaw won’t be here.  He loved those kids with everything he is/was.  They adored him.  I am certain the day will go ok, but I will wonder as the events unfold who is thinking the same thing.  PawPaw you are missed and I’m so sorry you won’t get to see these precious kids grow older. 


Happy birthday “s”  mimi loves you enough for both of us.  


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