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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Kids, camping and chaos

Kids, Camping and chaos

Well our first camping trip in several years has come and gone.  Glorious weather!  Mild/hot days and mild nights.  No rain….  Great food, awesome company (S) and family time!  What’s there not to love!

I learned a lot about ‘S’ family this weekend.  I watched things happen that surprised me, shocked me and angered me.  But, it’s not my deal and he will figure things out for himself.  Nothing shocking, but when others put others out then there is a problem….

So, Saturday we spent the day on the lake.  Mike rented a pontoon.  Gosh it was good to feel the wind as we breezed through the water….  God if you are listening, I want on the water so bad.  I don’t need a boat, a kayak will do but the early morning light coming up on the water is so calming…  I got out all three mornings taking pictures…. And, “S” was right there with me… he also loves the pictures of God’s handy work…

When I think of good memories of childhood they always involve my dad.  The calming force (although I know there were things beyond that).  He loved camping, the water.  I’m sure that is why we all want that so badly.    I am certain that I can go it alone though.  I am going to not go camping just because others can’t.  I enjoy it that much! 

Now a funny story.  In the fast pace of packing I actually forgot the tent.  When I told Steve that at 3:45am that morning before we left; he busted out laughing.  It was so infectious that I started laughing too.  He finally said, ‘man that should be the first thing you pack’ it is camping!  He has a wonderful sense of humor.  Our time together could not have been better.  

So, the camping was the best, the kids brought the chaos and we all lived to see the end of a great trip.

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