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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Full of Life or a Life that is Full (take your pick)

Dare I share this one more time?  I was ‘sick’ for so long.  Well all my adult life…. When finally at 45 I was smacked between the eyes with reality.  Girl you need help!  Not before I had hurt the one person (besides my kids) that loved me unconditionally; which now seems funny since he put final conditions on me to get help and get out!

So, I did and it took a few more years but I finally saw the light… And boy was it bright… J

Getting sober was only the beginning.  But what a beginning it was; to me it was excruciating but now I know that was more to do with the end of my marriage than about getting sober… (which I needed to do anyway)…. 2007 I conceded.  God I can’t do this alone! I haven’t had a drink since…

So, when you / I look at years of abuse (spiritually, mentally, and physically) from the dregs of drugs and alcohol this title makes total sense…I have a full life and I am FULL of life!  Thank you Jesus!

So, as this post started taking form it came to me how truly FULL that is.  People say to me all the time, how do you go like you do?  Why do you get up so early?  What is the deal?   It is simple… I don’t want to waste another second….

So, of course I fill up my days.  Well my nights, my weekends.  I have been gifted another life and it shall not be taken for granted,,,, not for a second…..

There are ‘bleeps’ that cause me to derail for a minute… or a day or two….. but when common sense returns or the ‘thing’ dissipates I am back to ‘glass half full’ mode.

So, weekends during the warmer months are spent doing things outdoors.  Have already sat through several outdoor concerts….  The rain hasn’t stopped yet but hopefully it will leave soon…

I believe life is meant to be lived.  My prayer will continue to be…. Lord help me to live a life worthy of the gifts you have given….

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