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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

The tide has changed. The axis has shifted.


I am at a loss.  Really, I am.  When I was asked to leave my marriage I spent too many years trying to regain ‘him’.  It was awful and painful and I have only myself to blame for the longevity of it all.  Well, sort of.   I would walk away and he would beckon me back.  He would turn to leave and I would follow.  A totally sick relationship and one that lasted almost 24 years.  In and out… in and out.

I began a journey away from that several years ago.  A fitful, tearful but meaningful all the same.  I am not going back down that road except to explain the title.   He just can’t let go.  After months of dating someone else and being happy, he has pulled on me harder than ever.  I have not turned back but have repeatedly told him…. We are done.  

So, while I would have basked in the ‘see there’  and ‘feel this’ crap.  But I’m not that person; I don’t want anyone to feel that kind of pain that I lived in for years.  I cringe just thinking about it.   But, for him I want that even less.  He will now have some healing to go through which may scare the heck out of him, then again… maybe not.  

It feels so good to let go.  It feels even better to open my life and heart to a new person.  Someone that has not hurt tied to me.  Someone that says, ‘you past is just that, leave it there’.  He may only be around for a season but in the interim I pray for my own understanding of how ‘he’ is processing where ‘he’ is today.


There was a shift and I felt it all the way down to my own heart…

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