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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Camping Trip

I love the outdoors.  I cannot say that enough.  Summer – love the water, camping, hiking…. Fall – love being on the mountain, full of leaves and the crisp air.. Winter – snow…….. Spring – the sounds of birds, the smells of the new flowers……. Get it!

Well next weekend is the first camping trip I have been on in a few years.  I am so excited.  Even if I had to go alone…. I was going.   Tried to wrangle family….. everyone is busy.   “S” is going and my best sister “R” is going.  I am ecstatic. 

Growing up with a dad that loved camping it just grew on all of us.  We always camped primitive (when possible) and dad always had a boat.  So all of those activities invite great memories.  Hmmmm.  Smells of campfire, cicada’s chirping away, waves crashing into the shoreline… I am blissfully happy when all of those are right outside of my tent.

So, 3 day weekend and pack up my shoebox and head out.  The daytime temps are rising quickly and should be in the mid 80’s with nighttime temps falling to about 60… yummy!

I think so many of my friends think I’m crazy.  Yeah I’ve hear the statement, ‘my idea of camping is a holiday inn’.   Well there is a time and a place for everything…. And when the summer days get above 100 and the nights don’t drop below 80…. Give me a holiday inn too. 

But not next weekend.  And, for now, there is no chance of rain…. I’m ready.  Part of the fun is the love of the water.  We romp and play in the lake all day, get back to camp in time to get a good dinner cooked.  What’s there not to like?

Now, the family not being able to come even for the day makes me sad, and I picked this weekend and that’s half of the problem.  But, scheduling for everyone is hard and again, I would go alone if I had too. 

I’m excited to share this with ‘S’ too.  Not sure if he is a true camper….. but he is willing to find out…

You know those sounds and smells that take you back to another time?  Well these things I’m mentioning have that effect.  Lazy summer days, no cares, brothers and sister to swim with, laugh with, ski with…. We had the best of times…  I would like my grandkids to experience that too…. If ‘D’ would get her act together and get them to the lake…..

Nothing sad to write about today…. I am too excited for this trip!

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