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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let the summer begin


I love summer.  Can I say that again?  I love summer.  I love the long days.  The cool nights, the water activities, hiking, camping, outdoor concerts…. And we have it all in our corner of the world… So, we postponed our first camping trip due to chance of bad weather.  Not to worry, we rescheduled till June… Yeah!  So, as usual I am already packing in all that I can do for the weekend.  Tomorrow night in the community where ‘S’ lives (very small town) they will have their annual ‘Poke Salat Festival’ how funny is that?  But, we are going.  Live music (yum), food (even yummier) and lots of local artisans… it should be fun… Saturday I am headed to hike at our local state park.  I can’t wait.  Now, hopefully the rain will miss us or there will be a slight change in that plan…. I joked with ‘S’ this morning at how I can fill “his” calendar quicker than anything.  He agrees but loves all the activity too…. So, I’m not dragging him… he is along for the ride!

On another note… I saw ‘R’ a couple nights ago.  I helped with a computer issue he was having.   He is so tiny.  When I was leaving he asked to hug me.  As he pulled me close I could feel every rib and his backbone which broke my heart.  He just seems so fragile.  When I got in my car and looked back to wave he barely looked at me.  I knew he was crying and that broke my heart too.  We have come so far in our broken relationship that while the healing is underway, the pain of the loss still lingers.  He is my first and truly my only love…. The love of my life, in spite of the pain we caused each other.  Moving on was hard… staying was harder.

So, we are at the ½ way point for the month of May.  The temps are going up as is the humidity…..

But, I’m really glad winter is behind us!

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