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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Someone ring that 5oclock bell!

Thank Goodness for Friday

This has been a long week.  A long week full of ups and downs.  I learned a few more things about me that hopefully going forward will be part of my ‘toolbox’ ….

Tonight we will venture out to an outdoor concert with a local band playing…. Bring your own chairs, drinks, dogs, kids…. Truly a fun place to go…. Weather is cooperating.    Temp is 70…… with sunshine galore.

“S” and I are spending the weekend together.  Nothing makes me happier….. Going to hike in the morning, then up to his neck of the woods for a fund raiser, then church on Sunday.  Is my life full?  Yes.  Is it good,  yes!  Am I grateful… You betcha!


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