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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, May 8, 2015

To all you Mothers!

Happy Mother’s day and all that stuff

My mom died on July 4th, 1995.   20 years almost.  I went to her grave for the first time in years last weekend.  She isn’t there so I cleaned it off and said a prayer for her, dad and my nephew who is buried right by them… 

So, what do we celebrate mother’s day for?   I mean we can be the best of mothers and our children still not like us or vice versa and then mother’s day goes unnoticed. 

Sound sarcastic, right?  I guess I am.  I love my kids but at 36, one of them has yet to remember much in the way of my birthday or other days.  It’s ok, but…. Well no butts.


This is quick since it is almost 5pm and I’m outta here for the weekend.  Terribly draining week.  Heck 3 weeks to be exact.  Going to spend as much time outdoors this weekend.  Planting a tree tomorrow in my front yard.  I’ll probably get evicted.  Ridiculous!

Anyway, today, at this moment I am trying to stay positive and know that God works everything out according to his purpose…… I’m just along for the ride.



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