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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Reason, Season or a Lifetime

I have heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason, season or a lifetime.  Well, yes… they do. 

After learning this I began to search out relationships of yesterday or even today and put that into perspective.  Boy does it ever ring true…

We can learn from someone, grow with someone or love someone… but it truly is just for a moment, if even that…. Ok, a moment in time.

Please don’t take that as a negative, because it isn’t.  it is a quiet and reflective state that allows me to see that.  What ‘role’ did they play?  To often times, for me, it leans heavily on the negative since those are the memories that stay in the forefront.   Of course I also need to look at the role I have played in those lives….

This morning I found out that a friend, a group member and a local physician passed away.  I was just shocked.  I burst into tears.  Why?  I mean … well I don’t know what I mean other than  wth!  I loved Clay.  He meant the world to so many of us.  He was a friend, a confidant…. A fellow journeyman.  But I watched as he declined over the past year or so with what I believe was depression.   From that aspect… he probably just couldn’t get it together.   RIP Clay.   You will be missed.   ** Season**

RJ – Lifetime.   We will be connected till the 12th of never…..

All others can qualify for all 3……

So, life always shocks me.  It can be scary…….. But!  I keep looking up!

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