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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, December 27, 2013

It's over.... or is it..

It's over......Or is it?

December 28th. or is it the 27th?  I'm not sure I have been sick since 6:00 on Christmas Eve.  You ask how do I know the hour?  I had a slight sore throat as I walked into church.  Within 30 minutes I had lost my voice.  By later that night I was coughing and wondering what had hit me.  By Xmas morning I managed to get to my daughter's for a few hours and that was it.  I spent the rest of xmas on the couch.  Coughing, feeling awful and worst of all............ no voice.  Anyone that knows me knows that I am lost without my voice or hands, as I suspect most of us are. 
However, by yesterday I demanded this 'flu' be gone (ha! ha!)  I loaded up on meds and managed to get my decorations down.  Later in the day I went out, hit a meeting and thought... 'hey I am over this'  until I walked into walmart.  I started hacking and coughing  and knew that the reason I am able to be up and out is, again,  meds.  cold and cough meds.   ugh!

So, this blog seems to be my 'voice' today...

I am sad to see the holiday's go.  It seems with it gone some of the kindness leaves too.  Why is that?  No more parties, gift swaps, family get togethers and worst of all at least 3 months of dreary days.

Sickness abounded during the week of Christmas.  Daughters family, one at a time got the worst stomach flu I have ever heard of.  Seems it hit my future daughter in law yesterday.  U-G-L-Y....

So, Christmas 2013 is now tucked away.  Gifts put away or returned. And by the way I got some really awesome gifts....

So, it is really cold outside, the coffee is piping hot and this blanket and couch are calling my name... If just for another day.   So much for my vacation.

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