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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Coffee and Warmth

Cold, rainy and 32degrees.   Yes, winter is here. 

As I sit here this morning coming to terms with the weather on the weather's terms, I decide to take a break and not go out this morning.  Instead I took time to do what I needed to take care of....  laundry, coffee, trash, coffee, bed making, coffee..... you get the point.

Did shopping for xmas yesterday.  Although it is fun, and the crowds are plenty, I trapsied to store after store.  Finding what was asked for by my precious grandkids.  Long gone are the days of toy cars, baby dolls..... to say I miss those days would diminish where they are today.  Teens or almost.  Electronics have taken place of puzzles and board games.  Although there will be one more bike bought, it will probably be the last.  Yes, that saddens me. 

I have written many many passages about the man child.  From screwed up to fixed up.  A true miracle.  Well we need another one.  Someone I love very much needs help.  Although they may have that external side that smiles and says, 'i'm fine"  I know better.  I have told them so.  They have lost 2 relationships recently due to excessive drinking.  Perhaps the lonliness is too much.  Maybe the loss of a child overshadows all they know.  God I know life happens when we surrender and how I wish/pray they will see that.  Right now,  they can't hear.  Too many chances being taken with health, safety and emotions. 

I am truly happy today. Inside the life I almost lost flourishes and thrives.  I hope it shows on the outside.  Sure, there are things still needing tweeked (no pun intended)  but I tell myself keep living.  Keep loving, keep giving. 

Loving those that seem unloved.  Caring for those who push everyone away.  Come on......Everyone.... we got to get together now....  

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