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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Floating by or Fleeing from?

Floating by or Fleeing from?

I was reading a meditation this morning and it talked of slowing down.  Spending time daily connecting to ‘whatever’ power/spirit you may.  Not to be taken over by the ‘world’ and all it’s clammering.

While it did not hit me between the eyes (so to speak), it did whisper quietly to me.  How much time do I devote daily to my spiritual life?  I try to read something daily to get my mind focused on truth rather than fiction.  On inward reflection and direction before the car door shuts and life takes off for the day.  But, should it/does it stop when the book closes?  Most days my awareness surprises me; however, the gentle leading shouldn’t.  After all when I am pushing myself on life, it gets messy.  When I allow the flow I am at peace.

Peace, peace on Earth.  Inward peace.  Peace of mind.  So often I find my mind leading me in direction of negativity and without awareness I would be stuck.  A long time ago a lady I knew and I were talking about a guy we both knew.  It was not an inspiring conversation either.  I wouldn’t go as far as calling it bashing, but, well it was.  The next day she called me and said she did not like the way she felt after all we talked about.  Who we talked about.  She asked that going forward we not do that anymore.  I was taken aback by her cander.  I was embarrassed and ashamed vowing never to do that again.  Well that lasted all of a minute (figuratively).  So, as time passed and I continued, at times, to let you know how I viewed another person, that drag on my heart got stronger and stronger.  Is this how I want to live?  Is this constructive?   The answer is apparent.

Here, at the office I find that happening all the time.  He says, and I fall in line.  Like a little soldier.  How pitiful that can be.  Again, the awareness is the key, after all how can I change something I can’t see?  The key here beyond awareness is the willingness to do something different.  And today I want too and will try.  Much better than beating myself up for slacking, the positive change means much more.

December 19th.  My family gathering is Saturday.  Silly as it sounds once that happens I almost feel the spirit leave.  As if Christmas has come and gone and it hasn’t even arrived yet.  Living in today should help that attitude…………  Practice! Practice! Practice………….


Next week I will begin on Xmas eve a 5 day staycation (if you will).  Doing nothing, doing something, doing whatever.  It doesn’t happen often that I have that many days in a row off.  I am so looking forward to it.  Of course the goal during that time is the decorations.  Down they will come and boxed up for next year.  But this is about Today!

Tonight I will go with son and his fiancé to a living xmas tree production at a  local church.  I haven’t been before but hear it is awesome.  Looking forward to spending time with them as well.


Enjoy!  Today may be all we get..

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