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Friday, December 6, 2013


Calendars?   But Why?

It is the best time of the year.  Hey, make that the most wonderful time of the year and all of a sudden I hear Johnny Mathis singing…

I am thrilled, albeit overwhelmed to know that I have to keep a calendar (especially at this time of year) to make sure I am where I am supposed to be when I am supposed to be.  Well something just got added and when I pulled up the entire month of December it was full!  Awesome….

I am planning on making a huge dent in shopping this weekend.  I may be broke on Monday but having that out of the way just gives me more time to enjoy the rest of the season.  Amen, amen.

Saw an awesome play at church last night.  The Forgotten Carols.  Really done well.  Broadway players… With the exception of how cold it was in the auditorium.  I wanted to curl up in my chair… brrrr.

So, checking MY list; invites to family members for our gathering.. check..  Shopping begun.. check..  Thought put into all gifts.. check.  Menu for gathering.. check check.  Xmas cards mailed.. check, check, check.  All the decorations done… Yes, Yes….Relax your half way there.  Where?  Done.  Done?   There ya go again, making this about a chore, a race, than an eventful season to be enjoyed.  Whew!  Glad you caught that one.

Tomorrow morning several vans will load up 400 boxes of food and deliver them to a bunch of needy folks.  That just makes my day!  Not just to be of service, but to know that someone is getting what they need.  They always appreciate our deliveries.  Yesterday it was 70+ degrees out.  Today it is rainy and a chilly 40.  Tomorrow a.m. it is supposed to be in the 30’s.  Delivery will keep us warm.

After that, and the shopping excursion, I plan on staying in.  Playing carols, maybe cooking.  Reading the latest book I checked out of the library…. Or doing nothing.  My time, my time.

Sad news; a guy that went to school with me died on Sunday.  Now, we hear more and more of classmates dying.  We are in our mid fifties, which isn’t old but hey, we are mortal.  His passing has hit me hard.  Just a good soul.  He killed himself out of fear of being a burden to his family.  Seems he had known for sometime that his health was failing.  I can not imagine what his family is going through.  Death is so permanent.  How we leave can leave an imprint that is worse than death.  In this case…. That probably will never leave his family.  BUT!  No judgment just concern.


To end of a happy note:  All about me and my feelings:  Today all is good.  All the puzzle pieces are where they are supposed to be.  I am at peace……… with myself….. which is the hardest things to come by…. For me. 



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