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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday and Service & Unfortunately Suffering

Bitter cold Saturday morning.  33 degree's with windchill's much colder.  Brrrr.
In about an hour the Monday Night Manna woman will load up vans full of food boxes and head out to a local housing for older people.  Through bitter cold we "get" to show love and tenderness to those that can't get out or don't have family for help or perhaps just lonliness as they sit daily as the world passes by.  Will the cold matter, sure it will.  Will it change our direction and stay indoors, NO.  Here we come.... :)

On a different light I had a horrible night.  Frightened by pain that wouldn't allow me to raise my head without major pain in my neck.  I tried and tried to get comfortable during a fit full night of some sleep.  Got up at 1am and took some Aleve.  Somehow I managed to sleep better till early this morning.  Sitting here right now as I lean to the left and right with my head it is obvious this is not going away anytime soon.  The dose pack the doctor gave me earlier in the week has not diminished this pain AT ALL.  I realize with people dying, hungry, homeless, jobless that my neck pain is nothing to complain about.   But it is part of who I am right now.  Hopefully the day will give me some relief.  Hopefully because we have over 200 boxes to load and deliver.

Nelson Mandela died earlier this week.  What a life legacy he leaves behind.  We should all aspire to be a man so dedicated to bettering the world we ALL live in.  He fought, suffered and won through his 95 years on this earth.  I'm sure God said to him, "job well done"...

He was sent to prison for 25 years............ All for trying to change the oppression in Africa.  There is a song, 'Abraham, Martin and John"  Perhaps we should add "Nelson" to that.
So, Lincoln, King, Kennedy and Mandela keep our hearts in the direction of change.  To understand we are all of the same maker.  Love one another and stop making a system that delineates classes.  God sees ALL men/woman as the same.  Why can't we?

Happy December 7th.  Uh oh.  Today is Pearl Harbor day and what would have been the birthday of my brother's oldest son who died in 2010. 

Celebrate or hate?  Love or Oppress?  Live or die.......

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