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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

Theme?  Santa hats...
I'm not referring to Jimmy Stewart, although I believe we can all use a miracle, don't you?
Christmas is 3 days away.  Of course I am excited of Xmas morning and being with my fantastic grandchildren, my children, son's fiancé and the kids dad.  We are carrying on a tradition mom started when her grandkids were little.  I believe xmas is for kids.  All kids. 

So, this weekend was the "BoXXXXX's" gathering.  Not sure why it is called that since our extended families seem to fill up the place, and growing.  How awesome.  But, alas, the base family unit began with BoXXXXXX. 

I forgot the count, probably 20ish.... So many kids, grandkids..... And some family members that weren't able to make it last year.  My only regret is we did not get a group photo.  Dang it! 

Eating (our favorite thing to do) a few games and lots of laughter and fellowship.  Thank goodness we all get along.  There were times when we didn't.  Times when arguments insued, leaving hurt feelings or angry souls.  Are we beyond that?  I hope so.

In church this month they have asked if there is anyone that has inspired our walk or someone we may want to be a blessing to this week, month than write their name on a slip of paper.  We turn it in and they add it to a paper chain hanging from the stage.  I keep listing the same folks.  :)

Our temps are incredibly out of season.  The high yesterday was 70.  During the night a cold front moved through giving a light show and lots of rain and thunder.  If I wasn't concerned of tornado outbreak, I probably would have slept like a baby.  No!  Not the case.  We (in the south) know all too well the collision of two fronts hitting each other and the affects it causes.  We are not alone.  The news is full of ice, snow, rain, cold, cold cold.  Seems all areas from Texas eastward are affected.  Brother/sis in law are on the road heading north.  Actually we have heard they have arrived... safe.

So, it truly is a wonderful life, and I like it. 

Merry Christmas everyone...


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