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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I can not, nor will not stand in judgement

One of my precious sponsee's called me yesterday histerical.  she had drank the night b4.  She was incredibly upset.  After listening to her cry I finally said,  "step one"  "step one".  She has fought such a hard fight.  terrible upbringing and I mean terrible.  suffice to say she has no family (that she associates with).  Young and vulnerable.  Fighting another disease that tells her to starve herself.  She has it coming and going.
So she picked up a 1 yr medallion in Nov.  There is the miracle of the program.  While she is away being treated for her ED I could hear her slipping away.  Taking the focus off of the program.  No talk ever of spriituality.  While I didn't see this coming,  I wasn't surprised.
I have learned this lesson.  I can NOT live without God.  I can try to "be good" on a daily basis and do good deeds and try to love those around me (event he unloveable) and still feel yucky on the inside.  So, inviting God into my life allows me the room to breath.  He is in control  not I.
The wayward son is out of jail.  Going to meetings (yeah) and seems so much happier.  WELL we all do (for a minute) when we quit running on empty.  But there is more work to do.  This program seems simple but learning to let go of who I was is THE hardest thing I can do.  I say can in the present tense... it's today that I'm in.  Today that matters.  I layed yesterday to rest last night about 10:00.  Today began at 6 and it is good. 
Good to be sober.  Good to be content.  Good to be available.  All because of the grace of God.

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