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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Gettin' out of "HIS" way

So the son?  He has almost 30 days sober.  WTH?  All without my help.  Imagine that.  Or maybe I did have a part.  I got out of God's way.  He called me this morning.  He did his 5th step last night.  I wanted to cry.  I wanted to yell out  Thank YOU God! 
In a few short weeks since leaving jail he has paid bills that he never did before, he has showed up for 3 different court dates.  he has attended many many meetings.  I am in awe of what can happen when we are willing.  Perhaps he is done.  
I picked up a new sponsee the other day.  Sweet girl.  About the time I grow sick of taking on new people (imagine that) someone new bounces into my relm.  Thank you God.  Hear that?  God.  This has nothing to do with me.  I suit up and show up. 
I met w/ my "other" sponsor Sunday.  I love her kindness.  she is taking me through the steps via the Alanon route.  I'm still unsure of what i'm doing but I need the relief of that program.  whatever "that" means.
Ah there have been so many things going on.  Sister is out of the hospital.  Still sick and weak but at home.  And hasn't had a cigarette in almost 4 weeks.  Doesn't want to either.  Wow!

I have stayed away from the guy too.  We talk on the phone some.  And this morning I miss him so much.  But I am doing what I should.  Which isn't always the comfortable thing.  Staying sober and content in doing so.


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