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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Quiet in my Soul

After the life happenings of the past week,  I have quietness inside right now.  My son, while not where I would want him to be, is safe and fed.  The ex boyfriend (of sorts) heartache is not beating me down, right now.  I had a terrific workout at the gym this morning.  My workout buddies have decided they will do the mini triathlon.  This morning they asked me to begin training with them.  M-W-F 4am to run 3 miles and bike 6.  And that is b4 doing our normal body pump workout.  Then on Saturday mornings we will begin the swimming part.  I will try.   I will give it my best shot.  Hopefully my knee won't get upset.
I read some morning meditation that just filled my soul.  Basically talking about faith.  How to "grow" in faith.  It meant a lot to read what I had been thinking about.  Sometimes getting in the "hallway" is scary when my faith seems to be distant.  However, God always shows up.  ALWAYS.

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