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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Thank you God.........

I made the comment a little over a week ago that I was tired of raising my hand in meetings in regards to willing to sponsor.  That I wanted to spend time on me and really just be stuck in self centerdness.   Half jokingly of course.
Last week, BAM!  2 new sponsees.  New ones.  One coming back after a bad relapse and the other is 18 years old and relapsed out of a short stint in rehab followed by a halfway house. 
What's wrong with them?  Why can't they stay sober?  Well our literature tells us that in order to get their we must get into the solution. 
A) I have a problem
B) I can not change that problem (alone)
C) If I can't?  Then I better find a power great enough to do so.
How am I to find that power?  Through clearing out the mess in our heads and our lives.  Steps 4-9 are the best tools any of us have found.  But we have to begin.  We can't wish away our disease.  We can not sleep away, drink away, cry away...............  But there is one who has all power.  That one is God.  May you find him now!  That sounds so simple, right?  Well if the noise in our heads is so loud we can't hear, then it is.
When I take an honest self appraisal I find many things about ME that I didn't know.  Is this why I can't stay sober?  Keep going.  I complete that inventory, share it with another and begin the arduos task of repairing the damage caused others. 
If any of these steps are skipped then our sobriety will be miserable.  And I have had enough misery.  And I pray these two wonderful gifts from God have too.
I heard myself saying to a family member this weekend, "I have fun no matter what I'm doing".  All thanks to this program.   Getting rid of self, doing no further harm,  and when fear, resentment, self absorbtion creep back in, tell someone.  Break the bubble of silence!
I say this ALL the time, If sobriety wasn't a better deal none of us would be here.  But it is.  We are reasonably happy and comfortably sober.  And people don't lock up their valuables when I'm around. 
So, God saw fit to place these two sweet ladies in my path.  Praying they stay until the miracle happens. 


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