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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cleaning up the wreckage

I brought into my sober life a junk load of bad debt.  Some of which have been taken care of.  I bought a car 6 years ago.  I wasn't always the best of payor but I have managed to get that straight and was looking forward to the last payment, which I thought would be early summer.  I found out yesterday that the loan was 4 months longer than I realized and that it will be 11 more months.  I was sick.  I held that inside which allowed it to fester to "your worthless".   It's that old thinking that must be overcome by my new truths.  The fact is I have paid on this car for 6 years.  Yeah!  Other debts still linger including some new ones.  I do the best I can at taking care of them as I can.  If it hadn't been for MC posting that it took her 10 years of financial amend making to get it done, I probably would feel like giving up.  Which is crazy.   I mean this doesn't own me.  My credit rating is symbolic of a life I left behind.  So, taking it a piece at a time is what I can do.  I ask God for the strength to continue to do the right thing which is paying them. 
So, I relax.  Take it easy.  I am no longer running the show.  I won't allow my feelings to tell me how I am doing.  They have never been reliable so why start now?
Being sober means I am walking through this "life" stuff one day at a time. 

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