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Friday, January 6, 2012

Troubles, he has seen troubles.........

The man child that I call my son is missing (again).  This is getting really bad.  Jails (already), institutions (yes) and finality of death.  I pray to a God that got me sober to please help him find his way.  He did a short stint during the summer and seemed to be content.  But after checking out he went right back (of course he did).  He is worse now than ever. 
I try not to think about him.  Where he is, what is he doing.  Of course having his face plastered on the 6oclock news several weeks ago (calling him by name followed by  "a homeless man") made me want to throw up.  When will enough be enough.  I have a program that helps me to get through this.  The family does not.
Another family member is doing the "controlled drinking" again.  Has decided to only drink on the weekends.  Good luck.  Read "more about Alcoholism".  But if they aren't ready.... they can't hear.
I have a fear that I will be the only sane person left in my family.  Sounds self centered, I know.  But the truth is everyone is running around screaming, "what's wrong with me?"  when it's as evident as the words in our book.
Sometimes I wonder how we look to the outside world.   One of the members of my group that sponsored another family member for a short time said to me one day, "geez this disease runs rampant in your family"  or something close.  What I HEARD was,  geez your entire family is a screw up with such disdain I wanted to run and hide.  Cause we all know that when the "secrets" get out and they know who we are they won't let us around. 
More childhood trauma.  Shshshshshshsh.

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