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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I am a sober woman of God.  I pray daily, read meditation books, recommit my life to Him daily.  Some days things are as they should be and all seems well, others....... well not so much.
I have been in the rooms of AA since Dec 30, 2006.  With a couple of 1 year medallions.  a 2,3 &4 yr medallions and then wham I am back working on that 1 year AGAIN.  Does that make me less of a person?  Of course not.  And that is what I have to tell myself. 
Feeling connected to a power not just any power but God I feel alive. 
I am praying for some changes in my life.  Work, personal.  I want to take a leap of faith and go to school.  yes at 53.  How crazy is that?  But somewhere inside of me is that yearning of acomplishment.  Something that is mine.  Sounds good in theory.  So how do I begin?  Baby steps.  Lots of prayer.  And just do it.
Financially this will be a strain.  It scares me to be indebted for somethign I can't hold on to.  So I will make an appt. with an advisor and go from there. 
I am curious but timid.  But I will not stop praying for an intuitive thought or action.  I'm ready to take that leap.

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