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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Not Having a Clue

Sober.  Sober living.  Sober everything.   It’s real and somedays’ it’s real good.  I’ve discovered a few (well more than a few) things about myself.  The biggest thing is that I know very little about sober living.  But I’m willing to keep walking NO MATTER WHAT.  I’ve experienced heartbreak, job change(s), move(s), and death.  ALL SOBER.
So I will begin to share this with you, the world.  Do I think you will care?  Some will?  Will it matter to me if you don’t?  Not on your life.  I walk this earth today a free woman.  free from alcohol which in in itself lends so much to my life.  I owe it all to living one day at a time.
I love the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  I didn’t at first.  I thought I had done irreprible damage and could not understand much of what I read and little of what I heard.  I was scared and told you so.  A few listened.  Some turned their heads in disgust.  But you (fellow members) sat with me.  Cried with me.  Laughed with me.  But never, never let me think I was alone.  I am grateful for all that I have been through (today).  For it took all of it to get me to bend my knees in prayer, scream in agony and hate the entire world for having the answers and me not having a clue.

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