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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feelings, Nothing more than feelings........

If I've heard this 100x's I've heard it 1000.  Our feelings are not reliable.  At first what I "heard" was they didn't matter.  Well they do.  Because I'm feeling driven.  I feel bad due to a cold - I take cold medicine.  I feel bad due to a loss of a loved one - I reach for comfort from those that understand.  and on and on.  However,  feelings change and reacting to how I feel at that moment is usually not a good idea.  I mean I'm happy - react jovial.  ok.  I'm sad - react like it's the end of the world.  no.  Not good.
So, how do I retrain this brain to do the opposite of what it's done for 52 years?  I've been asking that question for quite sometime.  You know the sayings, "time takes time"  "in the meantime it's a mean time".   The passage in the big book that clearly states,  when aggitated or doubtful, we pause.  PAUSE.  Something this alcoholic knew nothing about.  I clearly understood the wreckage brought on my that immediate response.  The lunging at people when angry, fearful, lonely.  Afraid that if I embrassed the feeling I would be enveloped by it.  And sometimes I would.  You people have helped me understand and learn knew coping methods.  Nothing lasts forever (tell that to my soul when it wept out of fear and lonliness).  Dark nights go on forever.  But, alas, they do end.  Now what to do in the interim?
So I take a deliberate action.  One that hopefully will cause no harm.  I pick up a dirty house, I go to the gym, I ask someone how I may help them.  I do anything to get beyond that head noise.  Anything but pick up a drink. 
I understand a little better today the Grace of God.  I was told a long time ago that one day it would come down to me and God.  Plain and simple.  Picking up the phone was good, but hitting my knees is better.  I know cause I do that a lot. 
If in sharing who i am, what I believe, and how I act will help you to somehow stay sober and begin to apply those principals in your life, then this day has been successfull.  Not for a pat on the back, but in doing so I "get to" stay sober one more day.

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