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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I "get" to

That's right, I get to.  When I started this journey I was full of rage, self doubt, disillusioned by life and my actions.  I could not get out of bed (due to that other addiction) and waisted lots of nights drinking myself into oblivion.  And I thought I loved my life.  Then everything shattered. 
I crawled into the rooms of AA broken and distrustful of anything and everyone.  And I let you know it.  How could those steps on the wall, that book that I had once used as a coaster on my coffee table, how could they possibly get/keep me sober.  Ah, you say what I was doing wasn't working, right?  Right!  I became teachable through misery.  I was at the jumping off place.  Last house on the block.  I had little fight left in me.  And you loved me till I could lift my head up and then some.
Today I 'get to ' go to work, to the gym, heck I'm free to go just about anywhere.  I no longer view this life as I HAVE TO!  Not any longer.  When I did those admission steps (1&2) and in 3 asked God to direct my life things began to happen.  Over and over.  Incredible.  Undescribeable.  
What began as a ripped up life has grown into a productive, useful existance.  All because I lay on my couch and begged God to take me or fix me and at that time I did not care which.  I was absolutely miserable living the way I HAD to.
That's why living today in the present is a present.   A gift.  One I gladly share w/ you and any others that come in broken, angry and ready to rip the heads off of anyone that looked at them sideways. 

I get too and I get that. 

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