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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting to practice these principals........

Isn't that what you have taught me?  Ugh to that sometimes.  I 'get to' practice.  Yes sir.  Even when I do not want to.  See today, I want to be free of resentments.  Free from self centeredness.  So I have to do my part, which isn't always easy.  I belong to a pretty open minded AA group.  That lends itself to all kinds of interesting folks.  Hence the title of this post.
I came in to these rooms broken.  A puddle of mess.  You guys tolerated my sobs, my anger, my outbursts.  My endless babling.  And I need to show you the same courtesy.  Right?
However, in doing so that DOES not mean it excuses bad behavior.  There in lies my lesson.  I have tried really hard to adhere to the spiritual principals I have been shown by the program.  And when someone else gets to stay sober but still live in deceit and poor choices, I get resentful.  I kept wondering why do they get to do "half measures" and I can't?  Why?
WHY can't I?  Because I want ALl of the promises to come true.  Not just a portion.  Not just a tad.  All.  But I can not have them if I do not live for them.  
Those others that can - get what they get.  Right? 
Another lesson - another character defect reveled.  Another growth opportunity.  I don't always readily accept, but when I come around.......... I really come around. 
It is by the Grace of God that I "get to see' who I really am.  It's the Grace of God that lets me live another day sober.  Physically and mentally.  Which gives my spirit the lift it needs. 

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