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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Today is a great day to look up

If there is one thing I know is, looking up is a choice and not one that is easily remembered.  How self absorbed am I to take the reigns of my life AND think I can do a better job than HIM?  
So as I pass through each day including right now, I have to be conscience of those thoughts, actions that are harmful or just plain selfish to those around me.  What a task, right?  It takes me a millosecond to jump to fix, control or change my surroundings including you.  What I have been taught, (ok hammered into my head) is this new life I've been given complete with sober thinking, includes sober acting too.  And that it really begins with awareness.  What a concept. 
Living in the now is something foreign to me.  I'm getting better but again, my mind drifts into fear, worry or jubilation depending on the mood or circumstances.  An old sponsor I had used to laugh and say, Jj put your finger on your nose.  This is where your supposed to be......... right here!  I used to do that many times a day just as a reminder.  See right here is all we have.  Why look beyond it.  Tomorrow will take care of itself. 
So, back to looking up.  As in things will get better, watch the sky for rainbows and most imortantly  GOD!  Keep His power right in front of me.  Looking up for the reminder  He has this.  He knew what he was getting when he picked me up that incredibly painful day. 
Remember I have written about that .   Seems boring now until I go back in my mind and the feelings come rushing back.  This is me shuddering.  brrrrrrgh.

So look up.  Take it all in.  Give that power something to work with (as if He doesn't know already) and walk with the confidence given to us daily by Him.

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