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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2 steps forward 1 step back.....

Please for the love of God (she says to herself) DO NOT beat yourself up about a step backwards.   That is unless that step is back into drugs and alcohol.   So, I felt a tad beat up by life.  Overwhelmed and alone.  (wait that should say lonely).  Cause I am never alone.  Anyway I called "him" and the rest is history.  As I left there this morning at 5am, I thought to myself......... one more time, jj, one more time.  Isn't that what I/we always say when there is something we want/need to give up and we just can't.  Or won't.  Whatever the case may be. 

Today  is the 2nd day of school.  I am more prepared.  I am more excited.  It is interesting to go from work mode to school mode and back again though.  But I will keep moving forward.

Today in the south it is a cooler 70 degrees outside right now.  Much lower humidity so it feels so awesome.  I still am not ready to move into the next season, but then again, I tend to dig my heals in over anything I am "not ready' for it to change.  You think I'm a tad stubborn.    uh..... nah!

Kids/grandkids are back in school too.  Thankfully the transition from summer back to school seems to be a smooth flow......... for now.

So, lets keep moving no matter what, ok?


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