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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dusting off the mess

When it rains, it pours.  Now how I react to it is up to me.  And REact is just what yesterday was about.
Dare, DARE I complain of my blessed life.  Disclaimer right up front.  However, I will lay out the issue(s) that came up and the culmination thereof.
First; School.  Holy Moly what am I thinking?  Totally overwhelmed and it's only been one week.  Just so much to absorb both scolastically as well as everything being tied to this database or that one.  Now, in a perfect world all the mechanics would be working.  Yup.  Nope!  It literally has taken me screaming, crying, talking to tech support, doing online tech support to finally get access to 2 of the 3.  So, I'd call that on a crawl, not a roll.  This is part and parcile of all the hoop jumping for class schedules, financial aid blah, blah, blah.  I refuse to talk about my math class.  Suffice to say it's somewhat kickin' my a**. 
On top of all of this worldly clammer my home computer started being a pain.  No wireless internet connection, well none that stayed more than a day or two.  Damnest thing I have ever seen.   Ok, so after all that building up and I mean UP I finally had a meltdown yesterday.  I took off work to, once again address all of this.  I'm sure work is beginning to grow weary as I.

I will stop with all the details.  All of this was yesterday or the day before or last week.  AND I totally stepped all over one of my "tools".  Stay in today!  Now today as in yesterday, was bad enough to not want to be there anyway.  But, today.  what is happening TODAY.  I have to keep that in the front of my thinker.  See I will catastrophize the smallest of details IF I allow it all to pile up.  And boy did it.   So, today is another day.  I have a job that I show up for and must be present for.  I have school tonight and that will end my day.  See,  here and now........... It's all we have.  Lest I forget!  Everyone must learn by their own doing (or undoing) as the case may be.  You can share your experience with me which allows me to shake my head in agreement but walk away having to digest my own..   That is the law of nature.  It's a law we can't change.  Or if we try it means incredible awareness.   Today I'll stick with my own and hope to goodness I get to finish today with lots of knowledge and happiness.  Both of which are not only doeable but possible.  

All because I stopped doing what had become the biggest detriment of my life.  Thank God He never stopped picking me up.  (she says as she simulates dusting off of her britches)  You get the picture.  And if not:

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