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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Negative or Positive it's all a choice

A post this late in my day may go to the negative side (as polar opposite of positive)   Seems being tired plays a huge role in how I feel which bleeds over into how I perceive things.  Check out my cousins blog http://everclevertimes.blogspot.com/ she puts it well.  It's my perception of the world and all it has to offer that gives me my reactive state.  Ok, like is the glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty.  I call it the Eoyore syndrom.  "oh bother".  I actually started this post 3 days ago.  I hate leaving them unfinished so I will post this regardless. 
See I'm not tired and guess what?  the positive side shines through. 
To be grateful today consists of the following:
I have God in my life - running  my life
I am healthy
I have kids that are healthy and reasonably happy
My ex is no longer angry with all that happened.
I am employed
I can pay (and do) my bills
I'm no longer afraid of the mailbox (don't laugh)
I have all the essentials and then some
I paid my car off
I have freedom like I've never known. 
I actually want to get up at 4am and go to the gym.
You got it........ I stay grateful and when I don't I hit a list like this and take a second look around.

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