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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lots to learn

Jobs.  Who needs 'em?   Uh we all do.  I mean food, shelter, clothing.  The essentials.  How do we go about on a daily basis loving our jobs?  Enjoying what we do?  That is a big issue.  I think I hear so often how unhappy people are with their current employment and I wonder why?  Well corporate america has changed considerably.  It's more about go go go and do do do and give give give, right?  Absolutely.
So, how do we give give give and be ok in doing so?  I don't have the answer.  But in my own experience I will say this; everytime I have become unhappy I try to find the solution.  Sometimes it may mean leaving that job.  And I have done that.  Not "run away" but work out a viable plan.  I will say that in my current position I find it hard to not have the direction and training I believe is necessary to be a complete employee.  So the solution is simple. 
Now, the reason for this entry is to  say this;  I spent all afternoon yesterday really upset over something that happened at work.  It was not good and I really needed "them" to say it was ok, that the sky wouldn't fall.  But guess what I got?  Nada!  I mean a mistake is a mistake.  We learn from them (hopefully).  We get the information and training we need based on that.  But as a woman, as a woman driven by emotions, I do not always react w/ a true business like demeanor. 
I do not want my self worth to come from my job.  Or from a man.  Or from my children or grandchildren.  But it does.  It defines me.  It always has.  So when one of those areas is upset - it takes a toll on me.
Yesterday was the example. 
Nothing I could do would fix it.  And I had to sit in it.  Be ok knowing it wasn't ok.  I tried to reach my boss after hours to talk to him and couldn't.  It was awful.  I felt so......... bad.
A person I know listened to me cry and rant about this after work.  He finally said, 'why are you being so hard on yourself?  Really?  Doesn't everyone want to be the best at what they do?

I will ponder this and get back with you.

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