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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Quick God, I need you!

How often have I prayed those prayers of "hurry up and help me".  It truly seems this year has been one big deal after another.   Sickness, unsettled family, son on the loose.  When I turn my attention to a God so big He can handle it all, I can breath somewhat.  It's the doing that is the problem.
My son is in jail again.  I just can not believe this.  He just doesn't want to be a part of society.  At least not the one that works, pays bills  you know........ the norm.
My sweet R is leaving on a trip today.  We had lunch yesterday.  I saw him again last night.  I wanted to stay but didn't.  Too much emotional stuff to just "b". 
If I allow that power to create positive action in my life then perhaps all the other "stuff" will seem minimal.  We will see.  At times I do feel like I am being attacked.  Whew!
Ok, so that is out.  I release this crap to the universe. 

God is never late, always on time.  His time.  As I wait I will turn my thoughts to others.  How can I be of maximum use to YOU!

Works everytime.

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