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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Please God..... keep me sane and sober

Happy Friday.  Happy Freakin' Friday.   I feel so overwhelmed.  Son, finances, sponsees, my own sobriety.  ugh! 
Something has to give.  Lets pray it's not my sobriety.  I can't change some of what I'm going through.  I went to get my son out of jail last night.  No go.  He has another bond for something we thought had been dropped and blah, blah, blah.  I have to let go of this.   HaVE TOO!  It's engulfing my every waking minute.
Nothing is harder (except death) than watching your loved one go down this path over and over.  Hey wait.  That was me a few years ago with the exception of jails.   That is a yet for me.
Funeral home tonight.  Nephew's wife's dad passed away.  Obligatory visitation.  I had never met him but I adore my neice. 
Sister being moved to a regular room finally.  That was almost 2 weeks in SICU.  Whew!  We continue to be tested in ways I never dreamed. 
Arent' we supposed to be skipping through life by now?  grown kids, precious grandkids.  Financially ok (well some are).  What is going on?
I feel a lot of my world is out of control.  My control.   So I ask God to help me see his will for ME today.  I can not take on any of His other kids. 
So, what I do know is :
It is Friday and after today we have 2 glorious days to be away from work
I am sober today, and I ask God to keep me that way.
I will have all 4 of my grandkids over tonight.
We will spend tomorrow swimming!  No matter how cold the water is.
That God's grace is sufficient, no matter how I FEEL!

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