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Friday, September 7, 2012

Your story reached my soul

I am speechless.  I am bewildered.  I am amazed.  Does anyone walk around waiting on a "sign' of that ultimate power.  That God shot.  The burning bush, if you will?  I do.  In the beginning I got them quickly,  I felt better.  My job faired better, family began to forgive me............. But nothing compares to what i read earlier from my cousin.  Without repeating the whole thing http://everclevertimes.blogspot.com/ this story can be read here.  Unbelievable story of how "powerful" this power can be.  Now, I choose to call that power God.  Some may choose differently.  Look as long as you believe that there is a force greater than anything you/we/ I know than this won't be written in vain. 
I have heard stories of children that after having a near death experience they say they saw a man in white or they say Jesus.  I totally believe that.  I think kids have such an open spirit that they are able to see far better than adults, who, with their tarnished souls can't or won't see beyond their own capabilities.  I, for one, know that He has worked major changes in my own life.  My sons life.  family........  I could go on.......
Can we fathom walking around without a little faith?  Without some coat of armour acting, not as a shield from all things bad, but rather a protection that says,  we will get through that of which should have or could have killed us..................
If I sound silly, then check your own spirit.  Check your own life.  Where has it been?  Where is it going, or better yet........ Where are you taking it?  I ran my life into the ground.  And others with it.  Selfishly I drug (no pun intended) anyone in my way down with me.  I say this anytime anyone will listen.  When I layed on that hard ass wood floor my cats looking at me like I was dying (and I was) I knew that it was the end.  And I shouted to Him who could only save me or take me.......... please with a voice so sick......... get me out of MY hell.  And He did.
I sigh with that relief that comes from truly knowing that you/me are a miracle.  I should have been dead or locked up by now.  Or rather by 5 years ago.
So, here is to you, Peter, where ever you are, where ever your life is taking you.  Your family is safe within the realm of the spirit.  Now, you have shared with someone all the way in Alabama you story.  Without even knowing it.  Joyce you have given me the best gift possible.  I am the one that is humbled. 
It is a beautiful, hot sunny day in September.  Fall will be here before we know it.  but the warmth I feel right now, sitting in my airconditioned office is something brought on by my faith.  Faith in that unseen force. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh man JJ, your writing leaves me a bit stunned as I absorb the wisdom and strength of what you write. You put your experience of hitting bottom so hard, reaching out for "God" to take over the direction of your spirit's will, and help you get your life on track into words I can feel. I can't wait to tell Peter, as I believe I won't loose connection with him. He left here yesterday. Thanks for catching my attention before I shut my computer off. Great!!
