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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Meet the purrfect roommates

8 years ago next month my whole world came crashing down.  Not to re-hash it but I was asked to leave my family.  I moved as quickly as he wanted me to.  I left behind my precious cat, Sassy that we had owned for as long as our marriage.  The next summer he found her laying in her favorite place in the sun on our kitchen floor..... she had passed away.  When "he" told me I couldn't breath.  I was beside myself.  I had not only ruined my life with "him" but I left her alone.  My reason for not taking her seemed so valid.  She was 13 years old.  She was growing old and I felt her home was where she needed to be. 
I tear up just remembering that.  He buried her before he told me about it.  He buried her in the soil that was bare from where the pool I had loved for those years had been.  He had given it to his friends who had children.  I hated him for all of those things.
I began healing VERY slowly.  Anger would ebb and flow.  He hated me for such a long time too.  But, let me get back to my precious babies.
A year after he asked me to leave I was so lonely.  Yes, I had my grandchildren, which was such a blessing, I had my kids, my siblings.  But no one was there when I opened the door at night. 
So, I began to search for a fur ball to comfort me, keep me company, something to love.  Again.
I started looking and had my heart set on another "sassy"  a small long haired grey tabby. As fiesty as could be all her life.  Eventually I came across a lady that rescues cats/kittens.   I went up there one evening looking for "sassy II".  When I walked into her living room there were about 5 or 6 kittens running around.  All different colors.  But there she was, another sassy.  A small, meowing tiger kitten.  I was drawn to her immediately.  She, on the other hand was not remotely interested or so it seemed.  But wait, what is this?  An ugly orange scraggly looking round faced kitten wouldn't leave me alone.  I would push him away and back he would run.  I was not interested in him at all.  Now, where is the little grey baby?  Hum.  Not even interested at all.  I sat on the floor petting the ones that would come scurrying towards me, all but her.  Oh and who was leading the pack, the ugly orange scraggly looking round faced kitten.  See, I had never owned an orange cat.  I couldn't get passed that color.  But this little guy with all his mite had captured my heart.  So, I told the lady, I take him and where is that tiger kitten?  I'll take her too.  And so my new adventure with them began.  Once home and settled the grey baby that I eventually named Tiger Lily since my grandchildren had insisted she have a last name.  (they were 3 and 5 at the  time).  And the ugly orange scraggly looking round faced kitten was christened, Sebastian.  He was a mess.  He was sickly.  Nasty sickly.  And here I was not even attached to him (yet) and having to spend $ that I didn't have to get him well.  By about the 3rd or 4th week I began to bond with both.  Sebastian was still the one that insisted on climbing all over me at bedtime.  Tiger Lily was a little detached but did crawl up at night with us.  Well if I skipped all the growing they did and all the love they have given me it's simply because it would take page after page.  So, I will include a picture and you will see how absolutely gorgeous both of them have turned out to be.  We are not supposed to have favorites, and I don't but the ugly orange scraggly looking round faced  kitten has grown up to be a beautiful main coon that weighs 20 lbs.  He is the king of our forest.  Tiger Lily grew to a pleasant size of 8 lbs but is a fiery female.  Sebastian is so laid back.  I had him declawed as a kitten and wanted to have her done but I didn't have the funds.  So now he has mittens instead of claws which he sorely misses.  But, when she catches him off guard and bites his swishing huge long haired tail, he screams and jumps at her and swats her with the strongest paws around.  He may not be a fighter, but he will only put up with so much from her.  Now, she is my baby too.  She follows me from room to room no matter how long I will be in it.  She loves to come into the bathroom in the moring when i am getting ready for work and sit on the toilet and watch.  Occasionally letting out a small meow to let me know how much she approves of my look for the day.(wink, wink) .  Sebastian slinks around like a huge buffalo and insists on being brushed and combed anytime I am home and sitting still.  I, am the true winner in the whole deal.  I am complete with those two fur balls.  I no longer cry when I come home (and I suppose time has healed a lot of that) but i also encourage YOU to look for the uglies orange scraggly looking round faced kitten and love him like he is the best thing that ever happened to you.  I know he is that for me.  And Sassy II, well she never could be replaced but what I found was as precious!  x's 2.

See what did I tell ya!  Meet Sebastian (who needs no introduction) and precious Tiger Lily.  Purrfect roommates!

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