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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Where are you right now?

Take it all in.  Cause it all matters.  It all makes our lives complete.  I have been so crazy crazy since school began.   Just quickly I will state it truly is more than i had imagined.  I only took into account that I would be at school 2 days a week for 3 hours each time.   I forgot to factor in homework.  LOTS of homework. 
Enough of the bashing.   So, the other day i found myself telling myself to stop.  Stop and take this all in.  Breathe.  look around.  notice the students.  The rooms, the atmosphere.  I find that so many times i am in such a hurry that i am actually 3 steps ahead in my brain, not in my steps.  I'm certain that has caused more accidents.  People just aren't present.  Me included.  So, where does that come from (or does it matter)?
Our quick paced world seems to encourage this way of living.  go, do more, fast, hurry up.  it's never, slow down!  Now the only way i know to change that is a)  awareness  and b)  do it. 
It is a fact that more people suffer from indigestion, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and we wonder why.  Of course the medical profession just keeps doling out meds like candy.  that quick fix that we all seem to demand these days.Ok, so back to the topic.  be in the now.  Try it.  Touch your nose many times a day to remind yourself to stay right here, right now.  Perhaps the whole idea is attached to not wanting to be in the present.  maybe it's too painful.  Maybe it's scary.  But if you look back over event the past few months, think about what you have done, experienced.  My bet is that time flew by and you can't recall with sufficient force all that happened.   Ever written a check, mailed it and then wondered if you had paid that bill?  Ever planned on stopping by the store on your way home only to get home and remember?  The other day I was so wrapped up in angst that I left the house 1/2 thinking on my way to work and actually had to stop and think:  did i put on panties?  a bra?  makeup?  brush my teeth.  Laugh but the truth is i was not present in the moment and robotically accomplished those mundane tasks without thinking or absorbing and hence not remembering.  How scary is that?  Ever drive down the road and get a mile or two or 10 and snap back to here and now and wonder who had been driving cause you sure weren't.   I have more times than i care to admit.
So, this morning on my way home from the gym the sun was just coming over the horizon (for us the mountain) and i mean just a ball of fire.  Gorgeous.  I wish i had my camera.  I just sighed and thanked God for that beauty.  As i scanned the mountains it hit me.  i have traveled this road hundreds of times.  And how many times have i noticed those mountains? 
I suppose, for me, slowing down would certainly help.  But i am wired to run wide open.  And then collapse at the end of the day.  I don't know any other way.  But i'm willing to try.  just try........
I had a boss whom I adored tell me many times,  "sssslllloooowww down'.  Others see it.  As i live it.
so love this day.  be in this day.  even the rough times.  even the sad times.  and most of all the good times.  cause we blink and its tomorrow and i don't want to wonder anymore what my day was like.......

It's a beautiful fall day in the south.  cooler.  awesome.  and it's friday.


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