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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, October 5, 2015

What is an Action?

What is an ‘action’?  How does that pertain to anything going on right now?  Is an in-action still an action?  Is moving slowly but in the right direction still moving?  Of course it is.!

So here is the deal…. When someone is ‘stuck’ do we offer them help?  Unsolicited advice?  A hand up?  A frown?  Or do we watch, sit and wait or worse… turn our backs?  

Are bad endings a result of poor choices?  Does hurt justify the means?  Does putting anyone below where they already are promote change?   Once again, no.

Can we change course in the middle of a storm?  Can the blowing wind be too much for us?  Does sheer determination come in to play?  Bring about a quicker ending; albeit still a painful one?  All of these ponderings are part of who I am, where I am… how I think, react, try, believe, pray for…  But sometimes things still hurt beyond what anyone would think; especially me.

Don’t judge (including me), dismiss or condemn.  Life is hard when life throws us something we can’t throw back; but hardest when all reason and answers don’t make any difference.  

I see clearly through the rear view mirror… but don’t we all.  My ability to foresee the future is marred by self-doubt, fear. anxiety…..

It isn’t funny but interesting that letting go brings relief but not necessarily right then.  I guess, like when someone dies.  The ones left behind may feel some relief at that time if the person has struggled to live, but given time… that changes.  Sadness comes and sometimes doesn’t leave… I think divorce should be in that same category.  Funny, breakups aren’t but given enough hurt… should be.

I heard that character is built in the darkness, in the alone time… when no one is there, watching.  If so then I would be a superhero (character) and not a cartoon one.  Oh, there are minutes, hours and some days where laughter can still come out.  Smiles too.  I am growing but don’t want to.  I am accepting but only half ways.  I am alive but feel dead, I am lonely but not alone. 

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