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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Not my circus...

When all we have left is family do we still have it all?  Over my adult life my family (siblings) have had our share of hostility.  He said, she said… this one does like and this one agrees, upsetting another one…………………… my poor mother… how did she handle her adult children arguing…. Some of those fights lasted for several years. 

Now our children are grown, with families of their own; and at times they two have butted heads.  And when they do it is not pretty.  What I know about their personalities is one is bull headed the other is passive-aggressive.  Fire and Water!  Bam! 

What I also know about me is I want to keep the peace, fix the issue.  And sometimes that is not my job.  Not my circus, not my monkey’s.  today is a prime example of that.

Without having a family meeting (whatever that would mean cause we never have had one) my son and I changed Thanksgiving dinner to his house.  Along with other in-laws, new baby… etc.  sounds good.  Never, ever dreaming this to be an issue.   Well it is and feelings got hurt and people are angry. 

Hurting people, hurt people… emotionally… today is a great example of that.  So  here is the deal; I am stuck in the middle.  I want all concerned to be ok/happy if you will…. I also want it NOW!  That is not going to happen, not today.  He is mad… she sounds hurts.  I just want to say, figure it out and let me know.  See I only want us together.  I don’t care where.  Is this what my mother went through with 4 kids?  Good grief!

So, this wont be ok until someone steps up to that line and says… ok, this isn’t worth arguing about.  Problematic is neither will do that.  Ugh and ugh!

Not my circus but still feel bad…….. I have 4 grandkids that don’t need to know any of this and certainly should be able to see any any of them when we want.  Not clear enough?  Trying to keep families together may prove to be a difficult task.  One that I’m not sure I even have the capabilitiy to do.

I’m not happy, not happy with either of them.  So, I will sit back and let the two of them figure this out.  If they can’t then our 1st thanksgiving without their dad will be even more gloomy.

I do not think either can see the big picture.  Heck I have a hard time myself.

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