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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Moving Slow

Grief does funny things to us.  Recognizing the grief itself and then ascertaining what I am truly feeling can be challenging, especially in the middle of it.  Days can still be sad but that only lasts for a few minutes or until I change the thought process.  And boy what a process.

The anger I displayed 2 weeks ago (really?  It seems longer ago than that) has diminished greatly leaving the sadness behind.  The one truth that I still stand on is I did the right thing breaking it off with him and booting him out the night of my birthday.  I won’t relive all of that but it is still pretty raw.

I’m gaining back my singleness these days.   Several trips planned one of which is this weekend.  Camping has always been a feel good for my family with so many good memories that it makes perfect sense to go now.  The fall temps will be cool at night (in the 50’s) and the daytime air about mid 70’s.  I plan on kayaking around the lake; my traveling companion is my sweet sister who has listened, talked to me and most of all kept an understanding presence for me.  Her and my best friend have made a huge difference during the last few months.  I may be moving slow but I am moving.

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