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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

You ever just know?


Can you trust your gut instinct?  I believe the older I get, which parlays into the wiser I am and the slower I am to act; I usually can heed to that ‘feeling’.  Usually.

I’ve heard it called waiting on the other shoe to drop….. Yes, that definitely was me..  After all I knew that I did not deserve the good and had used up all my ‘get out of jail free’ cards so the remainder was bound to be wrought with what if and what now.  All negative…

As my sobriety matures, as I rely  more and more on a power greater than myself; I am freer to release the ties that bind, which, are my own.  Ahhh.

So, if that trust is there then it makes sense that the ‘I just know’ would accompany it, right?  Well for me, not exactly.  I can go through something pretty heavy, come out the other side and still contemplate the existence of some higher purpose…..  over and over and………..

So, the just knowing; is that real or not?  Some people are easy reads and when their expression does not match their words, a knot may begin in my stomach….

But, what of the others that have poker faces.  Not to pick on car salesman or any salesperson for that matter, but the genuine concern of that person can change my whole perspective.    I can’t always see through the smoke but when I do, I do.

Hence the title…. Just knowing…………..

To jump to the other side of the fence I’ll add that I was that person.  I WAS and I am blessed not to walk in those shoes today.  Not perfect, but certainly not taking from anyone, not hurting anyone..

So that is someone ‘knows’ and it concerns me.  They truly will know.  Know that I am sincere and truthful..

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