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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Friends, Music, Laughter and Him

What an awesome weekend.  So full of great things.   Friday night I played Bunco with a group of woman from my high school days…. We laugh so much that honestly when I leave I’m so worn out; which is not a bad thing.  We all have known each other since grade school or there about…  That is a long time!

Saturday we had a car show at church.  Sounds funny but it was a fund raiser and we had an awesome turnout.  I volunteered for the morning but afterwards I went home, changed and went back with my boyfriend (still sounds funny) where we met 2 of his children and grandkids.  We had such a great afternoon.  Afterwards we went to a crawfish boil.  Oh my gosh there was Cajun music, dancing and lots and lots of crawfish!  My thoughts…….. too much work for the miniscule payoff…  But we spent more time with his kids and getting to know them and vice versa.  I guess I passed the test to the point that he knew it was time to begin introducing me to them.

So, the day was really full and blessed beyond words.  Sunday after church the afternoon was so beautiful that I could not resist cooking out.  Chicken on the grill!  Yum!  I invited Steve over since I’m pretty sure he doesn’t get many home cooked meals. 

Last night we had an interesting talk.  I asked him about God.  How he feels about his relationship… where he is headed (not with me).  Since he lost his wife I can’t shake the thoughts of several things… none of which are ready for paper.  He thought intently on this.  Finally he said, “I told you from the beginning I was looking for someone that wanted the same things I did, God!” Someone to walk along this journey and to encourage spiritual growth from both sides.  When I looked up at him he had tears in his eyes.  He blinked for a minute and wiped the tears away.  I don’t think I’ll ever know what that was about, but I just reached over and held him.  He is a blessing to me and my life and I hope I am to his.

One thing I made clear; no matter where he stands, no matter what direction he wants to go in, IF it does not align with my direction with God then we will part company.  No one can predict the future but I am certain that if I were to take my life back into my own plans and designs, it will implode and I will become irritable and discontent.  Go figure.

So, we are good, life is good.  I did have a heart aching call though.  I missed a call from “R”.  When I called him back on Sunday he seemed cold or distant.  He said I’m sure you were busy last night on a date at the movies or something.  His voice seemed almost sad.   I didn’t respond.  I am none of his business.   The conversation ended pretty quickly.  I was sad for a minute but living my life as he has told me to do for the past 10 years. 


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