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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

If we learn from them…………..


So important to preface this with…. IF

Learning curves can be scary, right?  Heck learning anything new can be daunting to say the least…I went back to school several years ago thinking, well I’m older… how hard can it be?  Yup!  It was that and then some.  I have learned more from the consequences of my actions than anything.  Job, divorce, children…a book… written like a book.  A bad novel….  Ok, I digress.

It’s when we don’t learn from life lessons that it becomes an issue.  Heck, I would like at times, to stick my head in the sand.  Of course we would.  It is scary! 

So, my life lessons as of late are truly relational.  How do I?............................. fill in the blank….

I have not a clue.  So, I am being shown through my actions how the reactions of others can be life changing.  I thought I was an honest person… and I am,,,, but when I am in doubt or fear I still find being completely honest very difficult.  After all, what would he think?    Anyone know how silly that is right now?

So, in this season of my life I am learning so much…

How do I treat someone without any expectations of return?

How do I talk to someone about a touchy subject?

How do I tell someone my truth without fear of their reaction?

How, how, how?

Trust, trust, trust!   I have piously pursued a connection to God that I could not miss.  What I have found is a desire to keep going in spite of how I feel.  Is that trust?  Hmmm. Maybe…

So in my relationship with ‘S’ I have been on top of the world and at the bottom of the pit…. Ying and yang.  And not without the side effects from both.

The end result always seems to be trust.  Trust in the kindness of this person.  Trust in his honesty.  Trust being led sightless to a new beginning.  The deal is trust!

So, the lessons learned over the past few months bring knowledge but not always joy.  But, we find God in the darkness….

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