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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hitting the beach

It has been a long, cold winter even here in the south.  I so dislike the months between xmas and spring.  I guess everyone does; dreary and cold…. But!  We are now into spring and the weather is getting better, flowers are blooming, grass is growing…. Summer will be here before we know it!

What better way to kick off the warmer weather than a trip to the beach!  Gulf coast has the prettiest beaches and the greenest waters.  I love it….Although the forecast was not promising, we went with little expectations but hoping for the best.  We had an afternoon of brilliant sunshine and temps reaching the low 80’s.  The beach was glistening and folks were out and about! 

This trip was extra special in that I was invited to join the man I’m dating.  How wonderful that was; he WANTED to take me.  Wanted!  No one has wanted to take me anywhere is years.    We enjoy each other’s company so much, laughed more than I have in such a long time.  Long walk on the beach, paddle boarding, body surfing and wonderful food!  I don’t believe the trip could have been any better unless the sun had been shining!  We didn’t let anything stop us from having the time of our lives (well mine anyway).   We have such a great connection that anything is up for discussion.  Well except the loss of his spouse last year.  I don’t bring her or that time up… I did fear that he was experiencing the beach for the second time since she passed and how would he be affected?  Unless he hides his emotions well he seemed truly ok.  Truly..

So, with the laughter and trotting all over the area; I was able to forget about my past and his as well.  No work, no phones ringing… just fun.   Thank you God for putting this man in my life.

Now, about God….. “S” and I have talked about our relationship and putting God first, and that is what I am trying to do.  In the morning when I read my meditation he came out and asked if I would read what the daily meditation said.  Afterwards we sat discussing what it said and how it could be used in our lives.  What?  Really?  Where did all this come from?  Except for me getting in the emotional way…. This still seems so guided….

I’m praying daily to stay on track! 

So, pictures are of a meal we had on the beach and of course… the beach!



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