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Allowing the flow not to consume me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Addition and Subtraction


Our family unit has continued to change over the past year.  Son’s wedding in September added a special girl to our fold.  The sad passing of his dad at the end of the year brought considerable grief to everyone, especially M & D.  Unfortunately that first year is the worst.  If you have gone through it you understand.   Although I have only heard of a few outbursts, I’m sure there have been many.

Well last week we got the call.  THE call.  They are having a baby!  I was dumbfounded when he told me.  Not because of anything other than I thought they would wait.  But, anytime is a good time as far as grandparents are concerned.  I am elated.  They are ecstatic.  “D” is yelling ‘I’m going to be an aunt’.  Something she has waiting so long for.  Let’s face it, her children range in age from 15 – 12.  So it’s been a few years since we had a little one…. Plus ‘M’ is 34….  So he feels like it’s time.  I agree!

Now, here is the kicker…. I was asked, ‘mom wouldn’t it be wild if the baby was born on the 31st of December?’  That is the day his dad died..  That truly would be the circle of life.


So many changes.  Mine included.   I am blissfully happy with ‘S’   I do not use names when I can help it.  Just know it’s good and he is a great man.  But, he himself is dealing with the loss of his wife of 22 years.  I still choke up when I watch his eyes when something comes up.  This is hard for him and rightfully so…. I try not to add any more grief to him.   This morning he was reflecting on her about something and I could see the sadness come over him.  I leaned over and whispered…… I’m sorry.  I really want him to stay.  I really like him.  But perhaps this is too soon.   I asked, you ok?   He smiled at me and answered, ‘I am in a good place, a really good place’.  My heart melted.


So as we begin a new month, continue the stages of grief, and welcome the news of our newest addition; I reflect on what is truly important.   You got it.  Life, how we live it, how we leave it, how we love it…  It matters;  and we only get one shot at it..




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