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Friday, August 2, 2013

Weekends are made for...........................ME!

The weekend and what it means..

Oh it has been a long week.  Oh wait, aren’t they all?  I long for the day that I enjoy coming to work.  Don’t laugh!  Someone that I am very close to said he enjoyed everyday of his job.. until the company began to tear the system apart.  But I,,,, just want to want to be here.

So, it is the last month of summer.  That makes me sad in itself.  But wasting just one weekend day is unheard of.  I suppose that is why I pour so much into those 2 precious days.  Doesn’t everyone?

One of my absolute favorite things to do is swim.  Be at the pool.  Grandkids or not.  That is where I want to be.  If not that, then camping next to the river. 

But!  The other things of summer that seem to come to an end are:   cookouts…, yard work…., outdoor concerts….., water parks……, camping…………………  I could go on.

So, I have done a few of these.  However, the summer is closing in and there are some left to do.  Water park!! High on the list.   Camping will wait for cooler weather.  Sleeping in a tent in 75 temps (and that is at 4am) is too much.  So scratch that one.  So, we will see about the water park.  Yum!

So, the weekends also mean (to me) that it is my time.  No boss, no place to hurry to.  No people to please.  No early mornings.  Well forget that……. My mornings are always early.   

Weekends truly are made for ME!

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